Executive coaching for CEOs/managers and workshops to facilitate Organizational Performance, Learning, and Creativity for Problem Solving

I offer leadership training, lectures and workshops to facilitate organizations inborn capacity for Organizational Performance, Learning, and Creativity for Problem Solving. 

Before I moved to Finland for an assignment as research leader, I did similar things in Sweden, including being a speaking partner for executive leaders (executive coach). Here I offer CEOs and managers a similar service, based on my research. See more below.

Organizations exist to attain common goals. Organizational goals work best if they are clear, challenging and assigned by the leader of the organization (Locke and Latham, 2002, 2019; Locke et al. 1981;Österberg, 2012).

A goal gives rise to a problem - the difference between the current state and the goal state (Duncker, 1945).

Solving the problem means reducing the space between the current state and the goal state.

Often, problems are familiar. That means that we can solve them by applying known strategies.

Sometimes, problems are unfamiliar. That means we need to create new strategies to solve the problem.

The human mind is doing both these operations all the time; the executive functions use perception and memories to model a wanted future - a goal - and how to attain it (Coolidge and Wynn, 2018; Diamond, 2013; Gilbert and Wilson, 2007; Kaku, 2014; Szpunar et al. 2014; Österberg, ibid.).

That information is communicated to the rest of the mind which, in a decentralized fashion, starts a parallel distributed networking process to find or create solutions for the problem (Lord and Maher, 1991; Österberg, 2004, 2012).

If the problem is unfamiliar, the goal assignment may trigger our constructive memory to start a process of combining non-related mental objects, or fragments thereof, into distinct categories (Österberg, 2012; Österberg Köping Olsson, 2018, 2021).

Österberg (2004, 2012) suggests that leaders, managers, and organization's can mimic the minds executive functions, to trigger parallel distributed networking to solve complex problems within an organization.

For requests on speaking partner service, lectures or workshops: please text or mail me to book a phone meeting.

Phone: +358-505 560 580 (Finland), +46707 43 43 57 (Sweden). 

Mail: peter.osterberg@generativelearningmanagement.se

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An introduction to Peter Österberg, Ph.D.