Personality testing to improve your understanding of you and your co-workers in an Organizational context

Personality Inventories are multi-factoral constructs aiming at improving the understanding about who your are from a perspective of openess to change, and worrying about the future. The emergent pattern is useful especially when it comes understand your coworkers.

Must people know about the Big Five, but there are other inventories.

During the course, the participants will get acquainted with various personality concepts and how to use them to improve interpersonal cooperation.

Peter Österberg is an expert in evolutionary social neuropsychology, including social aspects of human emotions. He earned his PhD in psychology from Lund university on a thesis about the relationship between leadership style and social creativity - a mental capacity which is general to humans.

Price (per person) in Helsinki/Esbo/Vanda area: 299 euros plus VAT.

Buy the lecture for your company: 9500 euro (1-40 participants).

Place outside of Helsinki/Esbo/Vanda, Finland: travel and hotel cost for the course leader will be added.

Minimum size of the group: 10 persons.


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An introduction to Peter Österberg, Ph.D.